Kimberly Burns The Mrs. Tabor

The Mrs. Tabor

Every age has its iconic blonde bombshell and in the 1880’s it was a woman named Baby Doe The Mrs. Tabor is inspired by the true story of the original gold digger.

In a time when genteel women could politely starve to death, Baby Doe sought her fortune the best way she knew how-she’d marry a rich man. She joins the rush to the Colorado silver bonanza and meets millionaire mine owner, Horace Tabor Baby Doe enjoys the high life as his paramour, but Tabor’s wife and his business manager are not pleased with the new girl. Together and separately they plot to get rid of Baby Doe; however, she has schemes of her own to upend Horace’s old relationships and become Mrs. Tabor.

Baby Doe Tabor

Reporting on-and embellishing-the drama, yellow journalists make a career of reporting the salacious details of the Tabor love triangle Her social climbing ends in vain when Tabor’s fortune is lost in the Depression of 1893. On his deathbed, he beseeches her to hold onto the Matchless Mine, convinced a fortune still hides in its tunnels. Will she find the silver and recover the Tabor legacy?
