My first post

Welcome to my author’s webpage.

I have always loved to read. Books have entertained me, educated me, inspired and comforted me. So naturally my blog will focus all things literary. I will keep readers posted on my fledgling writing career, as well as review books and offer discussion group questions and ideas. Lists of recommended reads or anticipated releases will appear periodically. Maybe I’ll even post a book-related recipe or two.

Baby Doe Tabor

I read many genres, both fiction and non-fiction, and would not turn my nose up at any book. However, historical fiction is always a favorite for me. My first novel, The Mrs. Tabor, (soon to be released) takes place during the Colorado Silver Rush of the 1880’s. Created from the true story of Baby Doe Tabor, I wove fact and fiction together to create my novel. Although I researched actual people and events, many of the factual details have been lost in the mists of time and legend. 


Stay tuned for more details regarding launch parties and book sales.

